6 rules for a successful life that will change your life:
It’s important to know these rules, which are simple and can change your life, it’s not like the ones we obey in school or college.
1). Respect yourself:

if you respect yourself, you deserve everything in this word
Respect is the most important aspect of life, so respect yourself and others will respect you. Always respect yourself to know you deserve the very best in life
self-respect is what we think about ourselves, it decides our success and failure too
There is a famous movie called the pursuit of happiness which is also my favourite in that movie the scene where Mr. Chris Gardner went to an interview in dirty & unprofessional dress the chef interviewer asks Mr. Chris, “What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without proper dress shirt on him and I hired him what would you say

“Mr. Chris says he must have had on some really nice pants too. He never recognized his deficiencies because he saw what he was perfect for.
The most important lesson in this scene is that even if everyone thinks that Mr. Chris did not get the job, he has shown himself to be deserving of it.
Self-respect is what we think about ourselves. Even If the entire world is against us, they think we goanna lose but don’t worry, our own thinking will win in the end, therefore respect yourself a lot.
2). Family Comes First

Family! A family is a place where we can come together without making any judgments, and even God loves this.
Family is important because they can provide uncompromising & unconditional love, support, and security;
Family is also very important in guiding you down the path of morality. Even though they can’t protect you from everything, your family can help you get through difficult times and provide you with the resources you need to diffuse or avoid a situation.
If you don’t already have a place to live, the family will help you find one, and they will also give you advice on how to get back on your feet.
So always remember, there is no replacement for your family and friends.
the family here is not only father mother siblings but also good friends, office colleagues, travel partners & neighbor
3) invest in yourself:

You can invest in yourself and become a more knowledgeable, well-rounded individual. This might entail engaging in more reading, making a schedule for yourself, or enrolling in a course. Your productivity and happiness may increase if you put some time into yourself.
Eat healthily :
The World Health Organization warns against the harmful consequences of our sedentary living on our bodies and our mortality.
Physical inactivity contributes to a rise in several health issues
, including diabetes, obesity, depression,
anxiety, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Follow these guidelines to get more active every day:
Take a 30-minute walk or run.
If you sit for lengthy periods of time, take frequent stretch breaks.
Try a new workout program, such as cardio or weight training.
4) Stop comparing yourself to others.

Comparing yourself to others is the worst thing you can do to yourself
Have you ever been jealous of your neighbors’ or family members’ achievements since we are constantly seeking celebrity age heights or income?
Here the comparison begins; we do not notice a person if he or she is normal, but when they take one step ahead, we consider how he or she did it.
“Small real-life story”
When Michael was in his adolescence, he was studying at a school where there was a boy named Raj who looked extremely handsome. As a human, many people spoke with him and made voluntary friends with him. Michael needs that attention from everyone, so he has started praying to God that I will become handsome like him. that he indirectly concluded that he is not handsome like Raj in his mind. Eventually, a small ad company came to the school to look for the royal kid’s face for its ad film. they select a Micheal as a model face for a handsome & royal kid for their ad, everyone shocked and treats Micheal as handsome
Here is the question: who makes Michael look more handsome, the god to whom he prays regularly, or his luck or thinking?
The truth is Michael is the most handsome guy than raj, and he did not realize it until that ad company opportunity.
likewise, we have forgotten what we have just because there is no opportunity and recognition in you in this current situation does not mean that you are worthless or unskilled but accept what you have and do it regularly, commuting is that you insulting yourself so don’t compare.
Since we all know what we believe will happen in our lives, we constantly wonder why we are not like the guys/girls who are so gorgeous, wealthy, and fortunate. In fact, you never know what issues a person may have had in the past.
So stop comparing yourself to others.
5) find your support system

The support system is just your good habits,
you can’t change your life overnight but you can change your habit & control it that habit can change your life
Typically, people who exercise, start eating better and becoming more productive at work.
So discover your support system like waking up earlier, Making time for exercise,
Develop listening skills, social media detox, Invest in self-care and Learn something new
“However, in order to change an old habit, you must first address an old desire.” You must maintain the same triggers and rewards as previously while feeding the need with a new habit.”
6 ) Be grateful for what you have

Always consider what we have in our life first, let’s take time & look into what god blessed us, no one will born without talent so always consider your talent & move to gather.
Sometimes I’ve thought, “I don’t have any talent like this guy or that guy,” but we almost forgot how greatly God had blessed us with talent; all we do is keep it to ourselves. Never make use of that; that’s a problem.
People always say passion is different & profession is different don’t believe that
You have the talent please make use of it no material how old that has become a master in it you will get the best reward one day