Lord Jesus Christ The Life-Changing preaching

Jesus Christ life changing preaching
 Lord Jesus Christ The Life-Changing preaching

Lord Jesus was commonly known as Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth. He is a Jewish preacher and religious figure

He is the center of the largest religion in the world, Christianity.

Most Christians think he is the promised messiah (the Christ) of the Hebrew Bible and the incarnation of God the Son. Even though his ministry was only active for only 3 1/2 years.

Let’s see the lord Jesus Christ preaching

“Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” – Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ advises his followers not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will bring its own worries. He encourages them to focus on the present day and its challenges, and not to let their worries about the future overwhelm them. Jesus believed God was in control of the future and that his followers should trust in God’s plan for their lives.

we always worry about a problem which is never happened in present, Jesus Christ expressed that our current problem is not a permanent problem it will take care of itself,, that’s mean every problem has its own solution

If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you.” – Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ tries to express that sin is like debt against God if we forgive another sin God will forgive yours it’s also connected with the universal laws, what you give you receive unexpectedly

Forgiveness is a two-way street. If we want to receive forgiveness, we must also be willing to forgive others. this quote reminds us of the importance of forgiveness and the interconnectedness of our relationships with others and with God.

Lord Jesus Christ’s teachings on forgiveness were radical for his time, as forgiveness was not commonly practiced in Jewish culture. However, Jesus believed that forgiveness was essential for spiritual growth and healing. He taught his followers to forgive others, even their enemies, and to seek forgiveness for their own mistakes.

“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. – Jesus Christ

Here lord jesus christ tells about to keep a strong belief in what we ask in prayer, in fact, the prayer is nothing but asking,, so while asking you should believe that you will definitely receive it.

Suppose you are poor and in need of money for your life, so you decide to ask the world’s richest king for help, You make plans to see him & explain your situation & ask for money. At that moment, you might wonder if i ask this small thing to the king is even worth asking for help because he is already the wealthiest king of all.

Similarly, when you ask God for help, you need to believe that you are asking the King of the Universe. Just as the richest king may have resources beyond your imagination, God has the power and ability to provide for your needs in ways that you might not even conceive. Therefore, when you ask God for help, you should have faith that He is capable of answering your prayers in the best possible way.

4) “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. – Jesus Christ

According to the Lord Jesus Christ judgement is belongs to gods he who have the authority to judges

Jesus Christ is a reminder for us to be mindful of our own behavior towards others. It’s a call for us to avoid being quick to criticize or condemn others for their actions or beliefs.

When we judge others, we are essentially making assumptions about them based on limited information. This can lead to unfair treatment or even mistreatment of those we judge. On the other hand, if we choose not to judge others, we allow ourselves to be more open-minded and compassionate towards them.

5) Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” – Jesus Christ

“Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” attributed to Jesus Christ carries a powerful message of compassion and empathy towards others.

At its core, it encourages us to see others with love and kindness, just as Jesus Christ loved and cared for his followers

encourages us to practice unconditional love, which means loving others without expecting anything in return. This type of love is selfless and compassionate, and can create

6)  Loving the people who are in distress is equal to worshipping God.

By helping others who are struggling, we are not only doing a good deed, but we are also honoring the principles of many religious traditions, including the idea of serving and caring for others as a form of worship or devotion to God.

When we show love and kindness to those in distress, we are demonstrating a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards their struggles. We are acknowledging their pain and suffering and doing our best to offer support and comfort.

By giving of ourselves to help others, we are cultivating a sense of inner peace and fulfillment that can bring us closer to our spiritual beliefs.

7) Love your enemy. Do good to the people who try to harm you.

“Love your enemy. Do good to the people who try to harm you” is a call for us to practice forgiveness, compassion, and kindness towards those who may not have our best interests at heart.

It’s easy to show love and kindness to those who treat us well, but it can be much more challenging to extend that same compassion towards those who may have hurt us or wish us harm. However, this statement emphasizes the importance of doing just that.

By showing love and kindness to our enemies, we are not only practicing forgiveness and letting go of negative emotions, but we are also demonstrating a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards their struggles and pain. It’s an opportunity to break the cycle of hate and anger and to instead cultivate a sense of peace and compassion towards others, even if they may not treat us kindly.

8) One should serve others without expecting anything from them.

“One should serve others without expecting anything from them” emphasizes the importance of selflessness and the idea of doing good simply for the sake of helping others, rather than for personal gain or recognition.

When we serve others without expecting anything in return, we are demonstrating a deep sense of compassion and generosity towards those in need. We are extending ourselves beyond our own needs and desires and making a positive impact on the lives of others

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