You thought your relationship was going to last forever, but now you’re left reeling from the breakup and wondering how on earth you’re going to move on from it. Breaking up with someone you love Don’t worry, though–we’re here to help you make sense of your breakup and heal your broken heart. Here are some practical steps that will help you get over your ex and move on with your life so that you can get back out there again feeling happier than ever before.
1) Give yourself some space

The first step to getting over a relationship is to give yourself some time and space. Letting go of someone you love can take a while, so don’t rush it. During your period of separation, it may be tempting to do everything possible (short of stalking them) to get your ex back—but that behavior won’t serve you in any way, says Solomon. Instead, focus on doing things that will make you happy and fulfill you.
You need time away from your ex in order to process all of your thoughts and feelings about the breakup and understand what went wrong in order to decide how you want to move forward from here.
2) Pick Up An Old Hobby

After a breakup, it’s important to carve out time for yourself. When you’re constantly catering to someone else’s needs, it can be hard to discover your own desires and new passions. By taking time out of your schedule to rekindle an old hobby or try something totally new, you make sure that you’re filling your life with things that bring joy and focusing on positive aspects of yourself. One major benefit of rediscovering a former passion: It gives you a sense of control in what may feel like an uncontrollable situation right now.
3) Remind Yourself Of What Happened

If you’re having a hard time getting over your ex, it can help to remind yourself of why things didn’t work out. If there was something about your partner that made it impossible for you to stay together, maybe there are some of those characteristics in another person who make them less suitable as well.
That doesn’t mean you should go searching for somebody who is exactly like your ex—we often think we want someone just like our last partner until we’re in a relationship with them again!
Remembering why your last relationship didn’t work can also help keep you from obsessively checking their Facebook or stalking their new flame online. It might feel like things will never change, but it gets easier when you put some space between yourself and your past.
4) it takes time to recover

You can’t expect to felt better immediately after a breakup. It takes time, and that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay—it’s necessary. Whether you were together for two months or two years, you need to allow yourself some time to heal before getting back out there again.
Don’t feel bad about taking a few days off from dating to mourn your relationship and allow yourself to cry and experience all of your emotions fully. That pain will eventually subside, but even if it doesn’t, that doesn’t mean that you should try to rush things along. The heart is an important organ; take care of it by allowing it to mend slowly.
Once you’ve reached a point where you’re ready to move on, then get back in the game! But if you’re still hurting too much, give yourself permission to wait until that pain has faded away completely.
There’s no shame in waiting until you’re completely ready—in fact, it’s advisable! (For those who are not ready) How To Recover From A Slow Breakup: A Guide For The Broken-Hearted Take Time Off From Dating: As I mentioned above, don’t jump right back into dating just because everyone else seems to do so.
5) Love Yourself

If you have low self-esteem, it will be tough to move on from your ex. It’s hard to let go of someone you still love if you don’t feel you are worthy of finding love again.
Getting over a breakup Before trying to meet new people and date, take some time for self-reflection. Do a little soul-searching and ask yourself if there is anything that you need to work on so that your next relationship can be happier.
Try some therapy sessions or do positive affirmations daily until you felt better about yourself. Once you’re feeling more confident in yourself, it will be easier to find love with someone else.
6) Change Your Mindset

When you experience a breakup, you’re hit with a ton of different emotions that often feel overwhelming. It’s difficult to keep them in perspective when your heart is breaking. That said, it’s important to realize that your breakup isn’t your fault; even if it was something that wasn’t working for you, it still doesn’t make sense to blame yourself.
Remind yourself repeatedly that there are things in life we just don’t have control over and understanding that will help you move on from your broken heart faster than anything else. When it comes time to start dating again, do so without blame or guilt—forgive yourself for any mistakes and move forward with peace of mind.
7) Seek Out Confrontation

At first, you might think to just avoid your ex, but that can only last so long. Instead, seek opportunities for confrontation. Confront them in person and set a firm limit on what you will or won’t put up with.
Sometimes, you may need to go through their friends or family to get any message across. If they’ve been cruel or abusive, tell a mutual friend or even an authority figure like a school counselor; if that’s an option.
As difficult as it may be to hear what they have to say (it probably isn’t good), hearing them say it out loud is still easier than trying to pretend they don’t exist in your life and not knowing when (or how) they’ll pop back up again.
8) Don’t Stalk Them On Social Media

Yes, it’s tempting to keep tabs on your ex via social media. After all, you want to know what they’re up to when you’re not together—and seeing them happy with someone new is tough. But at some point, you need to let go of your partner and move on. If they’re constantly in front of your face, it’ll make it a lot harder for you to heal and move forward. Unfollow their accounts and focus on living your life instead; if they have something important to say, they’ll find a way to reach out to you directly.